Graduate School

Luckily, I had a grade which is good enough to be admitted to the graduate school. I studied in aerospace engineering program with aircraft structure course. The school was fun but hard. I chose

AE 424 - Aerodynamics Theory

I audited this class since I wanted to know more about aerodynamics. Since this class is below 500, the grade won't count neither. The class was conducted by Dr. K.A. Hoffman, which I consider a tough instructor. Even partial mistakes can cost the whole points given to the problem.

AE 527 - Numerical Method in Engineering

The class is to learn how to use mathematical method to the engineering. Many problems involved MathCAD. The

The class was conducted by Dr. Jeff Dietiker.

AE 653 - Composite Materials Technologies

This class to cover very basic characteristics of the composite material, need to know stuffs over the manufacturing methods.

The class was conducted by Dr. Bert Smith, one of my favorite instructor. He is a old professor but very kind.

AE 722 - Finite Element Analysis I

One of the basic FEA class. I have taken Finite Element Analysis class in Mechanical Engineering department already, so I took AE822 first and took this class at the last semester of my study.

The class was conducted by Dr. Jeff Dietiker

AE 731 - Theory of Elasticity

(Description) This class learns how to apply numerical formulations. This class is not really easy.

The class was conducted by Dr. Raju. Some students complain about the he writes.

AE 733 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials

(Description) This class is the advanced one of the AE333, Mechanics of Materials. The class was conducted by Dr. Walter Horn and we were all lucky since he was in process of becoming a dean of the engineering department. We had few day of no class, and easy exams. Yup.

AE 737 - Mechanics of Damage Tolerance

(Description) This class learns how to apply numerical formulations to the real life

The class was conducted by Dr. Bert Smith, one of my favorite instructor. He is a old professor but very kind. We have learned crack propagations

AE 777 - Vibration Analysis

This class learns how to apply numerical formulations to estimate vibration characteristics. The class was conducted by Dr. James Locke.

AE 822 - Finite Element Analysis II

(Description) This class learns how to apply numerical formulations. This class is advanced class from AE722, FEA 1 and boundary conditions and

The class was conducted by Dr. James Locke.

AE 878 - Master of Science Directed Project

(Description) This class is not regularly scheduled but you have to have at least three hours if you choose directed project option to graduate.

The goal of this class is to produce a paper, and give a presentation.

You must be taking at least one credit hour in the semester of graduation. Total of three hours required.

MATH 757 - Partial Differential Equation for Engineers

(Description) This class learns how to apply numerical formulations. The professor for this class was very nice. He was easy on those people who are in engineering major. There was a day when the power failed during the class, so we had to quit the  lecture, postponing the homework due and pushing back exam date.

MATH 758 - Complex and Vector Analysis for Engineers

(Description) This class learns how to apply numerical formulations. My favorite instructor, Dr. Zin taught this class. We had a day with tornado warning so there was one day with out class. I hated it when they used imaginary number and stuff. There was a very smart guy in the class, scoring almost 100% every exam.

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Last Updated on 2004/09/17