



第 一章:スペイン人、フランス人の渡来(1492-1821)





1528 Nov, Caddoes under smallpox, 8,000 pop -> a few hundres in 1800(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.23)


1685-1689 フランスが移住。

1690年 スペインが併合


1718年にMission San Antonio de Vallero (It Happened in San Antonio, p.3)

 in 1754, 1763, Spanish blocked establishment at Galveston by French.(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.30)

Jean Laffite (Pirate of the Gulf) at Galveston in 1817, sold materials (Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.32)

1776年 米国独立宣言(Declaration of Independent)

1749年にSpanish Governor Palaceが建設される。(It Happened in San Antonio, p.47) 


1803年 ルイジアナ買収(Louisiana Purchase)



第 二章:最初の300組1821年 "The Old Three Handred (最初の300組)"

1821年1月、モーゼス・オースティン氏(Moses Austin、後のテキサス共和国大統領のスティーブン・オースティンの父)がスペイン政府よりTexasに移住する許可を取り付けました。移民が始まる前にMosesは他界してしまったが、息子のStephenがSan Antonioに到着、知事のAntonio Maria Martinesより承認を得ました。1824年までの3年間の間に約300組の家族が移住した。

1822年 最初の300組が入植を開始

1825年 Galveston港が開港



第 三章:テキサス革命1834年の"Come and Take it" から独立への道のり




Come and Take it


San Jacinotoの戦い



1834年11月、Gozalesにて大砲を巡って"Come and Take it"

1835年10月2日Texasによる最初の戦闘。Austin joined. James Bowie, James W. Fannin Jr. also. (Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.38)

 テキサス入植から独立まで。メインのキャラクターとなるのはやはりAntonio Lopez de Santa Anna氏、後にメキシコ共和国の憲法を廃止し、独裁政治を敷いた人物です。

1832年6月26日 Battle of Velasco

1835年 Santa Annaが憲法の廃止、中央政権の強化

1835年10月2日 ゴンザレスの戦い 場所は - 2-76 TX-95 Spur Cost, TX 78614。テキサス革命の開始と見られています。

1835年10月8日 コンセプシオンの戦い(Battle of Concepcion)が行われた。場所は現在のMission Concepción: - 807 Mission Rd San Antonio, TX 78210

1836年3月2日 テキサス独立宣言@Washington on the Brazos

1836年3月6日 アラモの戦い (3月9日にアラモの砦が陥落)


1836年3月17日 David G. Burnet氏が暫定大統領に、Washington on the Brazosから撤退命令が出る

1836年3月27日 Goliadの虐殺(Goliad Massacre)

1836年4月16日 Harrisburgに遷都

1836年4月21日 サンジャシントの戦い。テキサス革命の終了

1836年 Galvestonに遷都

1836年 Velascoに遷都

1836年5月14日 ヴェラスコ条約 Santa Anna


第 四章:テキサス共和国からアメリカ合衆国への併合1836年 テキサス共和国の独立

1836年3月2日、テキサスがメキシコ(共和国)から独立を宣言。David G. Burnetが暫定大統領に就任します。独立宣言はHouston市北西郊外のWashington(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.41)

1836年3月6日、映画にもなったアラモの戦いが始まりました。(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.41)

1836年 WashingtonからHarrisburgに遷都 (Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.41)

1836 HarrisburgからGalvestonに遷都(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,, p.41)

1836 GalvestonからVelascoに遷都(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,, p.41)

1836 VelascoからColumbiaに遷都 (Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,, p.41)

1836年4月20日、San Jacinto(サン・ジャシント)の戦い(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,, p.41)

1836 December, San Houston moved the capital to Houston(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1839 October Mirabeau B. Lamar moved the capital to Waterloo (today's Austin)(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.53 1839, congress approved Austin (Waterloo) as the capital

1836年10月3日 West Columbiaで第一回の議会が開催される。(〜1837)

1837年 Houstonに遷都(〜1839)

1838年 Mirabeau B. Lamarがテキサス共和国大統領に

1839年 Austinに遷都(〜1846)

1841年 Sam Houstonがテキサス共和国大統領に

1842年3月、Sam Houston大統領がHoustonに首都を戻す。(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1842 September, Washigton became the capital(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1844年 Anson Jonesがテキサス共和国大統領に

1845年 October 13 Texas was annexed to the U.S.(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1845年 December, the capita moved to Austin(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1845年 12月29日 テキサス共和国のアメリカ合衆国への併合


第 五章:西部開拓Fortの拡充(1849-1860)

Dallasの西にFort Worthという地名の町があります。もともとは西部開拓時に原住民から町を守る為に進出方向に50マイル(一般的に西側)に造られ、移住地域が拡大するにつれて西方へと動いていきました。

1849 Forts: Eagle Pass, Inge (Uvalde, TX), Lincoln, Martin Scotts (Fredericksburg), Crogham (Burnet), Gates (Gatesville), Graham (Hillsboro), Worth) and Bliss (El Paso)
1854 Forts: Belknap (New Castle), Phantom Hill, Chadboune, Makavett, Mason, Terrett, Clark, Ewell, Merrill, Davis
1860 Forts: Quitman, Stockton, Lancaster, Hudson, Cooper.

第 六章:南北戦争1861-1865年 南北戦争

日本ではリンカーン大統領の黒人奴隷解放、「Government of the people, by the people, for the people(人民の、人民による、人民の為の政府)」

1861年 南北戦争勃発(Civil War) テキサスは南軍に参加することになり、アメリカ合衆国から離脱します。

1865年 南北戦争終結

第 七章:南部復興(リコンストラクション)


第 八章:1900年ハリケーン

順調に成長を続けていたテキサスも、1900年のハリケーンによって湾岸部に非常に甚大な被害を被りました。この1900 Galvestonハリケーンは、6000人以上の死者を出す米国歴史上最悪の被害を出す((Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.6)







第 九章:1901年の石油発見からのオイルブーム



1901 Blue BonnetがTexas州の花になる。(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.8)

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.8 State Flower: Blue Bonnet since 1901, but failed to elect Armadillo as state animal.

1903-1942 Chisos Mine Company by Howard E. Perry "Quicksilver King" - Bullock Texas State Museum(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,

1907年、百貨店のNeiman-MarcusがDallasに開店。(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.184)

1919 女性の投票権が認められる。1954年には陪審員への参加、1969年に土地の所有権が認められる。((Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.137)



第 十章:第一次世界大戦、移民時代

1917年 第一次世界大戦参戦

1920年代 KKKがTexasで活動。(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.139)

1924年 排日移民法


1939年 世界恐慌

1941年 真珠湾攻撃(第二次世界大戦参戦)

1945年 第二次世界大戦終結


1939年 San Jaciontoのモニュメントが完成(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.142)





1962 NASAのJohnson Space Centerが開所

1963 ケネディ大統領暗殺

1969 Dallas Forth Worth国際空港の建設が始まる。1974年に完成((Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.201)

1970 ハリケーンCeliaがCorpus Christiに上陸 (Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.6 Hurricanes



1973年 第一次オイルショック

1979年 第二次オイルショック




1980 ハリケーンAllen at Corpus Christiに上陸(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.6 Hurricanes

1983 ハリケーンAlicia Galvestonに上陸, $3B damage(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.6 Hurricanes

1985 Fairmount Hotelが移築。1985330日から44日に掛けて。 (It Happened in San Antonio, )

2001年 エンロン(Enron)社が破産


2005年にはハリケーン「リタ」がSabine Passに上陸 Rita at Sabine Pass(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.6 Hurricanes

2008 Ike at Bolivar Peninsula (Galveston under 6ft of water) $16.2B(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.6 Hurricanes




(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.7 Pecos Bill

 Houston's record temperature 9 -107F


(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.11 Fire ants from south America, thru Alabama and arrived in 1950s

 Asian tiger mosquito at 1985 at port of Houston. Can survive the cold,

 Dengue fever

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.16 Mustangs, introduced by Spanish), introduced to natives. Buffalo cannot outrun

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.18, during civil war, native Americans stole cattles from Texas, sold them to New Mexican. Became enemy of Ranchers, States.

 Commanches to reserve in OK in 1870s.


(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.29) Trail between San Antonio and Nacogdoches, state highway 21 current days.

 Los Adaes (Louisiana), Natchitoches (Louisiana), Bextar

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.33 Jane Long "Mother of Texas"

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.35 Stephen F. Austin (1820-21?), Born in 1793. in 1834, population was 9,000 under his colony.

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.36 Estimated 35,000 in Texas in 1836

 Nacogdoches, TX. French rebellion by Haden Edwards against Republic?

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.37 Anahuac?

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.38 "Come and Take it" 1834 Nov at Gonzales. 10/2, 1835 First Shot by Texan. Austin joined. James Bowie, James W. Fannin Jr. also.

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.39 Henry Smith

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.48 Issuance of "Star Money"

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.55 1845/12/29 Republic of Texas Annexed.

 First governor James Pinckney Henderson

 First senators: Sam Houston and Thomas J Rusk

(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition, p.56 1846 War with Mexico, border set
1848 lost Santa Fe
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.88 Population 1836 35000, 1650 212000, 1860: 604000
 in 1850 only 5% with Spanish surname
 -> Discrimination against Mexicans in Texas (Tejanos) and blacks
 -> Cort war in 1857 (Hispanics carry materials less than the white charges), Cortina War in 1859 (Juan Nepomuceno Cortina and Marshall in gun fight, Cortina runaway but back with 80 men to take over the city, eventually retreated to Mexico, 245 total death), Salt war in 1877 (East of El Paso, where Charles Howard killed Louis Cardis, a Mexican rebels, Charles was killed by Mexican. Salt no longer free)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.62 German Immigrants 1844-47, 7400 to Texas. Galveston, Houston, San Antonio, New Braumfeld, Fredricksburg, Castionville) 2100 French lived west of San Antonio.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.64 Farming acreage doubled in 1850s. Cotton x7, Corn x2.5
 Upper California road (after discovery of gold in CA) San Antonio - Fredricksburg - Guadalupe Pass - El Paso,
 Lower California road San Antonio - Fort Clark (Brackettville) - Pecos near Ozona - El Paso
Experiment to import 75 cames to use in west, failed and let go.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.65 8 military posts, including Eagle Pass (Rio Grande) to Fort Worth (Dallas) in 1849. 50 miles out of major city. (Duncan) Irge (Uvalde, TX), Lincoln, Martin Scott, Croghan, Gates, Graham, Warth.
 1852, relocated 100 miles out
 1855 Two reservations Brazos River at Graham, Clear Fort of Brazos,
 Battle with Commanches, Cynthia Ann Parker
1849 Forts: Eagle Pass, Inge (Uvalde, TX), Lincoln, Martin Scotts (Fredericksburg), Crogham (Burnet), Gates (Gatesville), Graham (Hillsboro), Worth) and Bliss (El Paso)
1854 Forts: Belknap (New Castle), Phantom Hill, Chadboune, Makavett, Mason, Terrett, Clark, Ewell, Merrill, Davis
1860 Forts: Quitman, Stockton, Lancaster, Hudson, Cooper.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.67 Spanish Period: San Antonio, Nacogdoches, Larado, El Paso, Gonzales, Goliad
 Pre-Civil War: Galveston, Houston, Dallas, Marshall, New Braunfels, Castroville, Austin.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.68 Michel B. Menard to Galveston. Sale lots start from 1838, became the most important port of Texas, largest city between 1870 and 1880.
 John K. and Augustus C. Allen bought land at Buffalo Bayou. Became Houston in 1836. Houston became trans shipment point to Galveston
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.69 Sidney Sherman build first railroad in Texas off loaded locomotive in Galveston in 1852.
 Dallas off Trinity River in 1842, by 1870, pop was 1200.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.70 Texas to join south (confederate) S. Houston to be removed from government. Houston's Tremont Hotel Speech at Galveston. Moved to Houston, then Hutsville. Died in July 1863.
 David G. Burnet (former president of republic of Texas) and Elisha M. Pease (former governor)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.71 Number of Texans joined confederacy was estimated at 6500. 2/3 of white pop at age of 18-45. 1/8 died in combat, 1/8 died from disease.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.72 1861 USS South Carolina at Galveston in July, Watch established from Hendley building on Strand,
 1862, Galveston was occupied, 1863/1/1 Battle of Galveston
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.73 Battle of Sabine Pass
1865/6/2, U.S. flag raised at Galveston Courthouse, 6/19 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in effect (Slaves are free).
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.75 Yellow Fever outbreak in Galveston in 1867, 5000 fled, as far as 125 mile and spread. 3/4 of Galveston Pop caught, 1000 died. Among was Dick Dowling, confederate hero at Battle of Sabina Pass.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.76 1868, Thomas J Scanlan was appointed as olderman. 1870-1874, extended sidewalls, build road bridge, erect new market house. became a mayor in 1872.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.77 1870 March 30, President Grant proclaimed reconstruction in Texas church?
1873 Governor Edmond J. Davis vs. Richard Coke at the capital.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.79 1870 to 1880, population doubled. 1900, 3 million in Texas, no unappintd land left.
 Until 1899, a married man could claim 160 acre home stead with proof of 3 year residence, $3.00/acr with 10-40 years payment with 5-10% interest.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.80 Texas Rangers
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.82 1878-81 Apache defeated in Mexico
Bison hunting after hide worth $3-75. buffalo killed at south in 1874-1878, north by 1884.
Commanche chief in 1875 Quanah Parker surrendered. Burnt supply and killed horses
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.88 100 million bison to 1000 by 1887. Open for ranches, started from south of San Antonio.
 James Tylor White (JTW brand)
 Richard King (1852 to establish) King Ranch.
 Charles Schreiner in Kerrville in 1900, used 600,00 acres in Kerrville to menard for sheep production.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.90 Farming in Lubook.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.92 Barbed wire: San Antonio demo by John W Gates fence
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.93 Corn grown 1870 hand plant 1m acre, 1900 machine plant 5mi acre.
 Cotton 1870 351,000bales, 1890 2,500,000 bales.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.97 Railroad 1870-583mi, 1900-10,000mi
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.98 James Stephen Hogg - River Oaks
Houston & Texas Central - connected to OK, KS at Denison in 1873
Dallas - Sierra Blanca - El Paso (Southern Pacific)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.100 Kirby Lumber Company employed up to 16,500. 1920s sees declining in resources.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.102 Jefferson 1870 with 4100 people, 1873, the dam demolished
Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, first segment completed in 1879.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.103 Dallas Houston and Texas Central arrived from Houston in 1872.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.106 Newspaper Galveston Daily News in 1842. Dallas Morning news in 1885, San Antonio Express 1865.
Telegraph: Texas and Red River Telegraph Co. 1854. Texas and New Orleans telegraph Co,
Western Union in 1866.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.109 Texas A&M - Austin main campus, Galveston Medical Branch
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p111 Galveston Fire in 1885.
Waco Suspension bridge
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.113 Mule ride to Electric Trolleys (1880-90s)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.115 Galveston's Strand - new York of Texas, Waco suspension bridge - Brooklyn Bridge, Texas Capital - Washington Capital
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.119 Anthoney F Lucas, Howard R. hughes (Rotally drill bit)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.120 First refineries at Corsicana in 1898.
 Oil Discovery: 1901-10 Branwood, Petrolia, 1911 Electre, 1912 Burkburnett, 1917 Ranger, Desdemona, 1918 Breckeridge, 1920 Mexia, 1922 Luling, 1918-26 Panhandle area, 1921-29 Permian Basin.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.123 Bonnie Parker and Clyde Banow
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.125 Over production of oil - price drop - regulation - Texas Railroad Commission
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.129 Forth Worth: Charles N. Willamson, Emmett E. Dickie
Elm St. in Dallas -> Theater
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.130 School systems
 1915 age 8-14 60day.yr, 6-16 -> 180day/yr, 1949 9 month minimum
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.133 Texas Highway Department established in 1917.
 1930-7300mi, 1940-19000mi, 1950-34500mi
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.136 Balinese room
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.137 Women's rights 1919 right to vote, 1954 jury duties, 1969 property rights.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.144 Dust storms
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.145 half of rubber for WW2 from Texas
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.146 Liberty Ship @ Todd Shipyard
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.147 North American Aviation at Dallas and Convair at fort worth produced B-24, 60000people. After WW2, Convair made B-36, North American, sold to Temco and Chance Vought.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.151 Movies, Red River in 1948, Grant 1956, Hud 1963, Urban Cowboy in 1980.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.153 Founding for schools
 U of H Hugh Roy Cullen
 UTMG Sealy and Smith Feunest, The Moody Foundation, Houston Endowment, Monroe D. Anderson (cotton farmer)
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.155 Galleria with ice skatelink
Astrodome $45mil to build in 1965
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.161 Hobby Airport in 1954, George Bush airport 1969.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p. 163 Colt453 in Houston 1962, Astros from 64. Rangers from 1972
 NBA San Antonio Spurs 1967, Houston Rockets 1971, Dallas Mavericks 1980.
 NFL Houston Oilers, Dallas Cowboys 1960?
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.170 Draught between 1950-1957
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.172 Buffalo bayou pollution from 1940s, 80% was sewage, 4ft deposit at bottom every year. No oxygen between San Jacinto to Turning bayou.
 1960s Texas Water Quality Board in action
1970s Upgraded swage system
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.175 Texas Gun Culture, gun rack in pickup truck. until1930, handgun worn by many. UT Sharpshooter incident.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.177 School integration from 1955. Houston -1961, Dallas -2003 under oversight.
HISD 1968 71% white, Black 29%, 1974 39% White, 19% Hispanic, 42% Black, 1980 25% White, 28% Hispanic, 45% Black.
Golf course use in 1950, 5 black men to file complain
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.180 Public housing startd in 1930s at San Antonio, 1950s Houston and Dallas.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.181 1929 League of United Latin American Citizens, 1948 The American GI Forum, 1961 the Political Association of Spanish Speaking Organization, 1967 Mexican American Youth Organization, 1970 La Roza Unida.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.187 Sharpstown scandal 1971-72
Texas State Cemetery - Stephen F. Austin, Borbara C. Jordan.
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.193 George W. Bush
 1976-1994 400 Execution,
 1994-1998 135 execution
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.194 Don't mess with Texas from 1986
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.195 Enron
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.199 Michael Dell in Austin
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.200 Compaq in Houston?
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p202 Six Flags 1961, Texas rangers 1972, Dallas Cowboys 1971
(Texas, A Modern History - Revised Edition,p.214 Dixie Chicks from Texas.

San Antonioについて

1820年にMission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo、別名Queen of the missions(It Happened in San Antonio, p.3)

同じくMission Conception, Mission San Juan CapistranoMission Espadaが建てられる。(It Happened in San Antonio, p.3)

1868年にSan Fernando Cathedralの礎石が築かれる(It Happened in San Antonio, p.12)

1723年にLipan Apacheの襲撃を受け、馬80頭盗まれる。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.15)

1785年、Commancheはスペイン移民と和平協定を結ぶ(It Happened in San Antonio, p.15)

La Villita (It Happened in San Antonio, P.21)

1835125日にAlamoに対して侵攻を開始。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.23) Alamoの戦いでは189名が戦死(It Happened in San Antonio, P.29)

1836421日にSan Jacintoの戦い。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.25)

Deaf Smith? (It Happened in San Antonio, )

Menger Hotelの幽霊(It Happened in San Antonio, P.34)1876年にSallie Whiteが殺された。

Emily Morgan Hotelはもともと病院だった(It Happened in San Antonio, P.37)

187725日に鉄道が開通。Galveston-Harrisburg-San Antonio線。(It Happened in San Antonio, p.41)

San Antonioの路面電車が電化される(It Happened in San Antonio, p.43)


Main Plazaの一角にFatal Cornerという名前が。Vaudervilleという場所で銃撃事件(It Happened in San Antonio, P.48)

RooseveltRough Riders(It Happened in San Antonio, P.55)

Fannie Porter’s House(503 S. San Saba) (It Happened in San Antonio, P.57)

William Menger(-1871)Western Brewery1855年に開業、1878年にはTexasで一番大きな規模に。1859年にホテル業に拡張。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.68)

191032日にFort Sam HoustonにてMilitary Flyerをソロで初飛行(軍用機初飛行の地)。機体はスミソニアンに展示。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.70)

Brackenridge Parkはもともと採石場で、セメントを州都やDriscoll Hotelに供給していた。1917年に囚人たちの手により日本庭園に改装。1926年に日本人カップル、Kimi Eizo JinguMiyoshiを招待して庭園の手入れ、および茶屋の営業を始めた。(住み込み付き)。戦時中にChinese Gardenとなり、冷戦中はSunken Gardenと名前を変え、1984年にJapanese Gardenと再度命名された。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.74)

192198日にSan Antonioにて洪水発生。Riverwalkの整備が議論されるように。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.79)

有名なTeagarden JackThe Landingsというジャズバーで演奏を始める。(It Happened in San Antonio, )

Chili Queen(チリ女王)が街中で営業。チリ発祥の地となる(It Happened in San Antonio, P.82)

Maury Maverick Sr.Samuel Maverick(テキサス独立のメンバー)からMaverickという言葉が派生。(It Happened in San Antonio, P.88)

Charreade(メキシコのロデオ)の会場が整備される(It Happened in San Antonio, P.94)

Tower of Americaが建造される。(It Happened in San Antonio, p.101)




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